ד"ר סיני רוסינק

סיני רוסינק

Sinai Rusinek teaches Digital Humanities at Haifa University’s Digital Humanities program and works at Elijah Lab digital humanities laboratory at Haifa University and at OMILAB, the Open University Media and Information Lab. She specializes in Digital Humanities and Conceptual History. 

In 2016 and 2017 Sinai won the Pelagios resource development grant for the project “Kima: Towards a Hebrew Historical Gazetteer” in which she led a team in assembling Geographical toponyms used throughout Jewish history into an open, linked data resource and tool. In 2018-2019 she won a grant from the Rothschild Europe foundation for her project “DIJEST: Digitizing Jewish Studies”,  introducing new digital platforms and methods to Jewish studies domains. 

Sinai received her PhD in Philosophy from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her dissertation, titled "Criticus, Kritikos: History of the Concepts of the Critic and Criticism to 1600," dealt with the way these concepts functioned in various contexts and discourses from antiquity to Early Modernity, and with how they changed and were formed through these uses. In 2010-2015 she was postdoctoral fellow of the Polosnky Academy at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute where she engaged in the history of the early modern concept of envy, as well as with the history of paratext and the use of computational methods for the study of the history of paratextuality. She has been editor and editor in chief of the Journal Contributions to the History of Concepts in the years 2010-2016 and is member of the board of the Concepta International Research School for the History of Concepts.