אירועים קרובים

Guest Lecture: Virgil and the Nineteenth-Century English Novel

ד', 24/11/202114:30-16:00
Room 530, Mandel Building
Prof. Stephen Harrison

This lecture explores elements adapted from Virgil’s classical Latin epic the Aeneid in two nineteenth-century novels in English, Thomas Hardy’s first published novel Desperate Remedies (1871) and Anthony Trollope’s The Three Clerks (1857). We find the two authors deploying recognisable and well-known episodes from Virgil’s poem (the destruction of the city of Troy, the love-affair of Aeneas and Queen Dido, Aeneas’ descent into and return from the Underworld) to enrich their plots and appeal to an elite and classically-informed contemporary readership. These are not isolated instances (Thackeray too uses Virgil), and perhaps show that novelists of the period wanted to raise the status of prose fiction by stressing its links with ancient epic, the most prestigious literary genre in the classical world and in Victorian classical education.