מרצים אורחים משנים קודמות | בית ספר ג'ק, ג'וזף ומורטון מנדל ללימודים מתקדמים במדעי הרוח

מרצים אורחים משנים קודמות


Philip V. Bohlman

תחום: מוסיקולוגיה

שנה: תשע"ד


University of Chicago


Bettina Gramlich-Oka

תחום: לימודי אסיה

שנה: תשע"ג


M.A., Sophia University
Ph.D., Tübingen University

Department: Asian Studies

רג'ין אקרדט

תחום: החוג ללשון עברית, המרכז לשפה, לוגיקה וקוגניציה

שנה: תשע''ז


dan arnold

Dan Arnold

תחום: לימודי אסיה ואפריקה

שנה: תשע"ד


MA (Columbia University)
MA (Iliff School of Theology)
PhD (University of Chicago)


Raoul Findeisen

תחום: לימודי מזרח אסיה

קרא עוד


University of Vienna


Department: Asian Studies


Course Information:

Seminar Course


This seminar is addressed to advanced postgraduate students in all

philologies/literary studies programmes, not least in comparative literature,

translation studies, and literary theory. It intends to unfold the role of

intermediary languages in the translation history of various languages. The

following hypotheses shall guide the inquiries: 1) Secondary translation is

earlier than primary translation; 2) earlier translation displays a more lasting

influence in reception history; 3) the (foreign) literary canon in the target

language is distinctively different from the canon in the (original) source


It is obvious that a number of sociological issues are at play, among them

foreign language education in the cultural environment of the target

language, and differing traditions of canon formation processes in the source

language, intermediary language and target language environments,

respectively. The ideal working procedure would result in working

complementarily in various fields defined by the specialized linguistic and

methological (sociological, historical) skills among the audience, thus

bringing together in-depth case studies to give a sharper profile to the

complexity of interliterary and intercultural prcesses, and finally leading to

verify or falsify the hypotheses pronounced above.


Public Lecture



Probably as nowhere else—with the exception of the Library of Congress—,

holdings of the two big Jerusalem libraries in the intermediate languages

relevant not only for intermediate translation into Chinese are particularly

rich, due to migration since the early 20th century and ensuing donations. As

an ailing project, this lecture is intended to be an outcome of my sojourn,

giving not only an overview of the topic of mediated translation, but also

taking particular donations examples. To my knowledge, the field has not yet

been studied, even less under the perspective of global translation history.


קראו פחות

John Lie

תחום: מכון אפריקה אסיה

קרא עוד

UC Berkley

Bio: John Lie (pronounced "Lee") was born in South Korea, grew up in Japan and in Hawaii, and attended Harvard University where he received A.B. magna cum laude in Social Studies in 1982 and Ph.D. in Sociology in 1988. Currently he is C.K. Cho Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Taking literally C. Wright Mills's notion of the sociological imagination to study the intersection of biography, history, and social structure Lie's sociological imagination trilogy has explored his Korean origins and Korean diasporic trajectories. The trilogy includes Blue Dreams: Korean Americans and the Los Angeles Riots (with Nancy Abelmann, Harvard University Press, 1995), Han Unbound: The Political Economy of South Korea (Stanford University Press, 1998), and Multiethnic Japan (Harvard University Press, 2001). A recent addition to this corpus is Zainichi (Koreans in Japan): Diasporic Nationalism and Postcolonial Identity (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008). An envoi, The Korean Diaspora, is forthcoming. Link.

Public Lecture: ‘Cultural Divergence in Japan and South Korea? A View through Popular Music’

Selected Publications:

2008 Zainichi (Koreans in Japan): Diasporic Nationalism and Postcolonial Identity, University of California Press

2004 Modern Peoplehood Harvard University Press (paper ed by University of California Press)

2001 Multiethnic Japan Harvard University Press

1998 Han Unbound: The Political Economy of South Korea Stanford University Press

1995 Blue Dreams: Korean Americans and the Los Angeles Riots Harvard University Press (with Nancy Abelmann)

Published Articles and Chapters

2012. "Asian Studies / Global Studies"

2012 "What Is the K in K-pop?"

2008 "Social Theory, East Asia, Science Studies"

2008 "Zainichi Recognitions"

2007 "Political Sociology" (with Ryan Calder)

2007 "Global Climate Change and the Politics of Disaster"


2009 UC Berkeley IAS Commencement Speech



קראו פחות

Yukio Lippit

Department: History of Art and Architecture

Harvard University

קרא עוד

Bio: Yukio Lippit received his B.A. (1993) in Literature from Harvard University and his M.A. (1998) and Ph.D. (2003) in Art and Archaeology from Princeton University. He specializes in Japanese painting of the medieval and early modern periods. His book Painting of the Realm: The Kano House of Painters in Seventeenth-Century Japan (University of Washington Press, 2012) explores the ways in which attendant painters to the Tokugawa shogun developed a genealogical mode of painting that conditioned emerging historical views of Japanese painting. Painting of the Realm was awarded both the Charles Rufus Morey Book Award by the College Art Association and the John Whitney Hall Book Prize by the Association for Asian Studies.



Lippit, Yukio, and Mark Mulligan. The Thinking Hand: Tools and Traditions of the Japanese Carpenter. Cambridge: Edwin O. Reischauer Institute, 2014.

Lippit, Yukio. Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2012.

Lippit, Yukio. Painting the Realm: The Kanō House Painters in Seventeenth-century Japan. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012.

Lippit, Yukio, and Gregory Levine. Awakenings: Zen Figure Painting in Medieval Japan. Boston: Japan Society, 2007.

Lippit, Yukio. “Of Modes and Manners in Japanese Ink Painting: Sesshū's Splashed Ink Landscape of 1495.” The Art Bulletin 94, no. 1 (2012): 50-77.

Lippit, Yukio. “Apparition Painting.” RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, no. 55/56 (2009): 61-86.

Lippit, Yukio. “Goryeo Buddhist Painting in an Interregional Context.” Ars Orientalis, no. 35 (2008): 192-232.

Lippit, Yukio. “Tawaraya Sotatsu and the Watery Poetics of Japanese Ink Painting.” RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, no. 51 (2007): 57-76.


לפרטים נוספים

קראו פחות

Joseph Maran

תחום: ארכיאולוגיה 

שנה: תשע"ד